Pushpa Raj Badu

Change old git commit message with rebase

In this post we will see step by step how to change older git commit message with the help of rebase -i git command. Quick and Important Notes If you want to change the last commit, then you c...

Generate unique random token in ruby on rails

Introduction Generating unique random token for ruby on rails application is a common problem. People use different ways to solve this problem and the most common way to solve this problem that we...

ElasticSearch and Kibana setup with docker

ElasticSearch is a full text search engine and Kibana is a free and open user interface that lets you visualize your Elasticsearch data and navigate the Elastic Stack. In this post we will see a s...

Configure Neovim as Ruby on Rails IDE

Why vim and neovim? Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient. It is included as “vi” with most UNIX systems and with Apple OS X....

My tmux configuration and workflow

Follow tmux wiki for more information Install tmux # ubuntu sudo apt install tmux # mac brew install tmux Tmux configuration file After tmux is successfully installed, we can customize tmux s...

Devise sign out issue with rails 7

After creating my first rails 7 project, I added devise gem for authentication solution, and there were couple of issues I faced because of rails 7 changes mainly with turbo streams. One of those ...

change rails database from sqlite to postgresql

When you generate your rails applicaton, it by default uses sqlite3 as database adapter and generate configuration files config/database.yml based on sqlite adapter. But when you want to deploy you...

Rails count vs size vs length

There are lots of ways to impact performance of your application. Initially when there is less data, everythings looks good, and eventually, when your traffic and active number of users using your ...

Use Timecop to time travel in testing

In this post we are going to use timecop rubygem to test our trial_remaining_time method which actual returns number of days remaining in user’s trial plan. timecop is a gem providing time trav...

Run Sidekiq as systemd process

The simplest way to run Sidekiq in your production server is to use capistrano-sidekiq gem, but it is not recommended because Capistrano uses demonization by default so if the Sidekiq process crash...